Forschung / Research

The two main research foci of the hydrology group are:

Methods for transdisciplinary knowledge integration and participatory processes

To address societal problems at the interface of humans and environment and to identify sustainable management options, knowledge and problem perspectives of multiple actors need to be taken into account. Participatory processes have to be done for, e.g., developing strategies for climate change adaptation or mitigation or a sustainable land and water management. In transdisciplinary research, knowledge of multiple scientific disciplines and of stakeholders from outside of academia needs to be integrated. We investigate the optimal design of participatory processes and transdisciplinary research, using methods like actor modeling, Bayesian Networks and scenario generation that have the potential to enhance social learning and knowledge integration.

Current projects

Global water modelling

Modelling of water resources and water use at the global scale supports a sustainable management of water, food and energy in a globalized world. In addition, it helps to understand the Earth system as water transport and storage variations on the continents plays an important role for atmospheric processes, global biogeochemical cycles, sea level and the gravity field. We are continuously improving and applying our global hydrology and water use model WaterGAP to quantify the current water resources situation and to derive interesting scenarios of the future, with a focus on assessing climate change risks. We strive to develop meaningful indicators for problems such as water scarcity, drought or alteration of freshwater biota habitat.

Current projects

Completed projects are described here. As part of these activities, several global data sets have been developed by members of the working group. For details please read the data sets section of our home page.


Institute of Physical Geography
Hydrology Group

Mailing address
Institute of Physical Geography
Goethe University Frankfurt
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

Campus Riedberg
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

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