Konferenz: Wissenschaft des Judentums in Europa. Comparative Perspectives

Gemeinsam mit der European Association for Jewish Studies, Oxford veranstaltet die Martin-Buber-Profesur für Jüdische Religionsphilosophie, Frankfurt vom 23.07. bis zum 26.07.2012 das zwölfte Summer Colloqium an der University of Oxford, Oxford, Yarnton Manor.

Jewish Studies today is an integral part of academia, but the history of the discipline throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries is of a young, new field of research that was never really accepted at European universities before the Holocaust. Despite this discrimination, modern Jewish scholarship developed in Germany after the Enlightenment, when it was called Wissenschaft des Judentums.
The Wissenschaft des Judentums spread to most of the European Jewish communities, creating its own institutions and producing an impressive record of scholarship in the fields of Jewish history, religion, literature and culture. Apart from its scholarly endeavours, the Wissenschaft des Judentums served an important role in the Jewish minority’s struggle for political and cultural emancipation. Moreover Wissenschaft des Judentums was not only part of the attempt to foster Jewish identity but also served as an instrument for the defence against anti-Semitism.
Most of the research on Wissenschaft des Judentums undertaken so far focuses on Germany or analyzes the history of Jewish Studies along national lines. This is especially problematic as Jewish Studies was clearly a transnational European endeavour, characterized by a network of scholars all over Europe and North America. Furthermore, the situation of Wissenschaft des Judentums varied in different countries and political contexts.
The purpose of the EAJS Colloquium 2012 is to bring together young international scholars in the field and to partly rewrite the history of Wissenschaft des Judentums/ Jewish Studies in a collective, interdisciplinary endeavor, and to provide a comprehensive systematic and comparative representation of the history of Jewish Studies in Europe before the Holocaust.

Ankündigung auf HSozuKult: http://hsozukult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de

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Anmeldung bei Mirjam Thulin

With the financial support of
  • European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS)
  • Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung
  • Centre for German-Jewish Studies, University of Sussex